Why ? Bukelemun

The Most Important Reason is that the Control is Only You Bukelemun Takes Whatever Shape You Want, Does What You Want Control is Only You 24/7 365 Days.

  Makes Your Website Less of a Problem for You  

Boukelemun prepares Individual and Corporate Websites in a very short time without the need for coding knowledge, provided that the content, text and visuals are ready. Since you only focus on design, the result is Websites with Harila Visuality.

Bukelemun prepares Individual and Corporate Multilingual Websites in a very short time without the need for coding knowledge, provided that the content, text and images are ready. Since you only focus on design, you get Websites with Visuality Harila.

If There is a Bukelemun , There is Freedom

If you have Buklemun, you can freely change all kinds of changes related to your site on your website without having the knowledge of writing code. You don't need anyone.

Where There's a Bukelemun, There's Savings

If you have Buklemun on your website, you can design your website in a short time without the need for anyone, you do not have to give money every time you change the design. You save money and time.

If you have Bukelemun, you will not miss the Religious, National Holiday Special Day Celebrations.

With Buklemun Bayram and Special Day Mode, you can make a very comfortable visual that you will prepare all kinds of holidays and celebrations, announcements. After preparing your image, you specify the date it will be displayed, you specify how many days it will remain on display. When the time comes, Gösrel will be shown how many days it will be shown at the opening of your website. You can make a yearly plan and determine which holidays and special days will be displayed and record it. Celebration images on holidays and special days that you have determined for a year will be displayed when the date comes, and you can make your special senses and campaigns to be shown at the site opening from here. You Determine Everything, Leave the Rest to Bukelemun and Experience the Pleasure of this Comfort by Watching.

If You Have Bukelemun, You Manage All Processes Related to Your Site

If there is an E-Newsletter Subscription on the We Site you have prepared with Buklemunla, you can manage the E-Newsletter Applicant Process, the Approval Process and Afterwards with the E-Newsletter Module in a smooth way by taking it under control. You can manage the messages written from the contact form and the contact form process smoothly. With the Commercial Information and Financial Information Module, you can seamlessly manage the Financial and Commercial Information Section of your website.

In Bukelemun, you can prepare your site easily and quickly with the number of language options you want by using the Page Head Slider Options, In-Page Slider Options, Under-Page Banner Options, Contact Form Options, Footer Options, Different Menu Options. Bukelemun has everything and every feature for you, at your service!